>< Translations for Progress

A Message of Thanks to TRL and TfP Translators

170,000+ words & 1,000,000 characters – it’s just the beginning, this isn't the end. April 2021

Alongside the growth of other TRL Global Foundation activities, each passing day brings an increase in the number of pages translated on the https://trl-global.org website. We thank our translators for their faith in the project, for the time and effort they have put into it. It is you who are making it possible for us to expand the platform for promoting TRL worldwide.
Our chosen path of working on a global social mechanism in the interests of every inhabitant of the planet has confirmed the theory that fellow thinkers can be found anywhere on Earth. And thanks to the international community of TRL Pro Bono translators, we can even speak their language.

Over the years, we have received a lot of positive feedback, including from people who were amongst the first to read about a project aimed at translation. The opportunity to hear such comments from so many wonderful people representing a wide variety of cultures is both important and highly motivating.
One of the pillars of TRL’s development has been its unvarying long-term strategy and commitment to its original goals. We shall continue to maintain the project’s unique multidisciplinary socio-economic focus. And we will not tire in proving to ourselves and to the world that the phrase “This is a story about people from all professions, countries and continents, of all religions and skin colours” is not just pretentious words or a marketing gimmick, but a reality that can be achieved through concerted action. TRL’s underlying principle - ‘Our Team is Mankind’ - is the mainstay of the changes to come. The project now has representatives in almost every region of the World.

All of the above, amplified by our ambitious goals, enables us all to look into the future with optimism.
А big Thank You to those who are with us and have made their own contribution to achieving these outstanding results – to everyone who has made this progress possible! We look forward to continued fruitful collaboration with you. And thank you to everyone whose future efforts will magnify this result many times over!

A message like this would normally be accompanied a few slides with statistics - so let’s take a look 😊


PS. Even if the entire website or just the pages you wanted to translate have already been translated into your language, we still invite you to use the TRL Free Licenses & Experiences system©. This will help us to find you faster if there is a need to translate any updates to the text.

Many of our translators have different interests and hobbies. Don’t forget that the system of licences deigned for TRL Alliance/Science promotes, amongst other things, citizen science and funding of citizen advocacy right across the spectrum.

In view of the above and the importance of our translation community, in 2022 we plan to unveil a dedicated subsystem designed to help translators around the world improve their skills through TRL grants for third-party upskilling programs. The system will be launched in test mode on the TRL Free Licenses & Experiences algorithm. In other words, to participate in the program [in the first phase] you need to have a LinkedIn profile stating that you have a TRL Alliance/Science licence and referencing TRL Pro Bono Community in the Experience section & you need to have a TfP profile (instruction https://trl-global.org)

We hope this journey will be both entertaining and useful for all of us.